Tixati's config files are stored in a special folder, and keep track of the program state between sessions, such as the names of transfers, file hashes, file ...
2020年11月18日 — 1.Go to the SETTINGS of your phone. · 2. Click on '…MORE' and tap on 'CELLULAR NETWORKS'. · 3. Then, go for the RELIANCE JIO option and click on ' ...
Click the 'Settings' button at the top of the main window. The Settings window will appear. Click Network > Incoming Ports in the list along the left side ...
Click the 'Settings' button at the top of the main window. The Settings window will appear. Click Network > Incoming Ports in the list along the left side ...
This controls how many outgoing connections are made in each transfer, and how fast they are made. It also limits the amount of incoming connections that are ...
When the main window close button is pressed, Tixati can either exit completely, or minimize to a single icon in the system tray area. The user can select their ...
Tixati optimal settings: A free and easy to use bittorrent client with an intuitive interface. Free download provided for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of ...